Voting Instructions

Online Voting
Foremost among the new features of your JCTA dashboard is the ability to vote online. Votes are anonymous and only the vote totals are accessible by JCTA administrators. JCTA administrators will not be able to associate your name, username, or password with any vote total or result. Poll results will be posted per the terms of the JCTA bylaws.

Upon successfully logging in, you will be presented with all available polls or surveys. These are located in the center of your screen.

To vote on a particular poll, click the “View” button underneath the summary poll description.

Some polls will require that you select more than one option. It is also possible to submit write-in selections by selecting the “other” option and typing in your choice. Once you have finished making your selections, click the “Vote” button to submit your vote. You will only be allowed to vote once on each poll, so please confirm your selections before submitting.

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