Additional compilations from schools and educators:

Say Their Names: A toolkit to help foster productive conversations about race and civil disobedience from Chicago Public Schools


● Some of the resources in these documents came from suggestions in this inclusive and thorough work. Thank you to Chicago Public Schools for this resource.


Anti-Racist Lesson Plans & Resources for Educators an evolving list of books and lessons categorized by age and grade level. (While this seems to be a useful document, it is open source, and the creators are not named. Use

with caution.)


Black Lives Matter at School Resource Toolkit compiled by the Rochester City School District in Rochester, New

York in 2017. Includes resources for all levels, including readings and links for school leaders.

(Newly added Sept 1, 2020) The First Task Is to Ask sheets contain simple questions and can be given to parents and student advocates who seek answers to questions that they may not know how to ask.

  • The purpose of the flyers is to equip and empower parents and the community with an informational tool to assist in engaging school and district personnel in an informed conversation.
  • The First Task sheets also serve as meeting topics for parent or community group meetings. Employees/Experts whose job centers on the sheets' particular topics have created these questions/sheets.
    • Many organizations throughout the city share these flyers with their staff, students, and parents.
    • This resource is a tool to address and improve (family/community) access to information, advocacy, and parent and school accountability.
    • Furthermore, the questions serve as a way to bring comfort and cohesion between student advocates and the  appropriate staff members.
    • School leaders give these sheets to parents during parent-teacher conferences or community events.
    • School staff can use these sheets to drive parent conferences, specifically student-led conferences. These sheets are translated in other languages and can be provided upon request. The digital e-Booklet is available in six languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Somali, Napoli, and Arabic.

To access the resource booklet, visit the JCPS Parent tab on the JCPS website (see link below), scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the blue box labeled First Task is to Ask. ”

Parent/Community groups can print hard copies of flyers to explore a specific topic for a parent/community event. The print version is located under the Diversity, Equity, and Poverty (DEP) Department portion of the JCPS website. Visit the link below for the DEP Department website, and look to the right under “Important Links” for the PDF print versions.