What is the JCTA SLB?
It helps with pay when you exhaust all your sickness and personal leave. It also helps keep your insurance, benefits, and escrow when receiving SLB days. It can be used for yourself on medical leave, caring for a family member 24/7, or a high-risk pregnancy. The SLB days CANNOT be used for common illnesses, such as colds, flu, COVID, or stomach bug unless hospitalized or immunocompromised. The Jefferson County Teachers Association (JCTA) Sick Leave Bank (SLB) is to provide paid sick leave days to any certified JCPS employee who has exhausted their sick and personal days. To obtain days from the bank you must donate one of your sick days to the bank and exhaust your accumulated sick and personal leave. Participation in the SLB is voluntary, and you can contribute one of your sick days to the Sick Leave Bank. Certified members and non-members of JCTA are eligible to participate voluntarily in the Sick Leave Bank. Donate one of your sick days to the JCTA Sick Leave Bank (SLB)!