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Rank Certification Info and Changes in EPSB

Rank Certification Information & Changes in EPSB

At its August 20, 2018 meeting, the Education Professional Standards Board waived the mandatory requirement for an educator to obtain a Rank II within the 5-year regulation timeline. KRS 161.1211 defines Rank II as "Those holding regular certificates and who have a master's degree in a subject field approved by the Education Professional Standards Board or equivalent continuing education." This definition has not changed. Educators are still able to pursue and obtain Rank II to advance in the profession. However, there is no longer a timeline associated to require this Rank change for educators. It is important to note that the Board did not waive program admission requirements or program completion requirements. If a program for certification requires completion of a master's degree, the educator will still need to obtain the master's and complete the program for issuance of a certificate. If a master's or Rank II is required for admission to a preparation program, that requirement is also still in effect. Also note, the path to advancing on the salary schedule in school districts is based on your rank of certification. You may refer to the statute that outlines qualifications for Rank changes in Kentucky here.

At their latest meeting on Monday, EPSB changed language in 16 KAR 5:010, Section 12 that identifies the program design components and program curriculum for any education master's program or planned fifth-year program that does not lead to an additional base or restricted base certificate. These programs are known as the Teacher Leader programs. The changes will allow more flexibility in the creation of programs leading to Rank II, a waiver of 16 KAR 5:010, Section 12, is necessary for Educator Preparation Programs. This waiver will allow EPPs in Kentucky to develop and earn EPSB approval for innovative programs to address teachers, schools, and district's professional development needs. Another change is that the KDE Office of Education Licensure and Effectiveness (specifically the Division of Certification) will now be handling all license and rank changes for educators moving forward. The EPSB office will also be relocating this week to the Sower Building in Frankfort where KDE is located. The best way to contact EPSB is through the web portal at http://www.epsb.ky.gov/ .

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Jefferson County Teachers Association

1941 Bishop lane, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 454-3400, Fax: (502) 452-2794

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