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2023-24 JCTA-JCTA Critical Needs Teaching List

2023-24 JCPS-JCTA Critical Needs Teaching List 

 Pursuant to Article 28 Section G of the JCTA/JCBE agreement, JCPS will recognize up to 20 years of teaching/certified experience for new experienced teachers hired in the following critical-needs areas/disciplines:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Dual Certification (two or more content areas, a content area or elementary with special education, or being certified at both the middle and high school level for a content area)
  • Dual Credit (HS and college course)
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE)—Occupation-Based Certification (specific occupations only)
  • Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
  • Special Education (includes LBD, MSD, HI, and VI)
  • English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • School Media Librarian
  • Early Childhood
  • Teaching in a school identified as an Accelerated Improvement School (AIS) at the time of hire


Additional areas may be identified based on qualified applicant data for a vacancy not listed above.

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Jefferson County Teachers Association

1941 Bishop lane, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 454-3400, Fax: (502) 452-2794

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