Camp Sessions Kick-Off Event * Monday, June 29 * 5pm ET
The National Education Association’s Center for Social Justice invites you to join us for a powerful kick-off to the Summer Justice Series on June 29th at 5pm ET/ 2pm PT
Gather around the (virtual) campfire to warm up and welcome one another as we kick-off the Summer Justice Series with:
- A special opening by renowned comedian and actress, Kym Whitley.
- A discussion on addressing anti-Blackness and achieving educational freedom with author and researcher, Dr. Bettina Love.
- And a closing dance party with world-renowned DJ Kemit .
About the Summer Justice Series:
The Summer Justice Series will take participants to wide open spaces where a collective vision for education justice can emerge. Just like heading outside where we can see the world in new ways, these sessions will use art and music, storytelling, creative organizing strategies, and interactive discussions of key racial and social justice issues to guide us toward the change we seek.
The impacts of the pandemic and violence against Indigenous, Black, brown and LGBTQ communities has us all thinking a lot about what it means to be a community, how much harder we need to work to end systemic injustices, and the value of our public spaces and services to ensure our health, safety and ability to thrive. These unusual times provide an opportunity to explore innovative strategies to spark change while also taking time to experience healing and joy.
Organized into three virtual sessions, involving over 30 dynamic workshops and events, we will be coming together to recharge, deepen our connections, and organize for the public schools and communities we all deserve. |