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DeeAnn Flaherty
Executive Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-552-6165
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DeeAnn Flaherty is the JCTA Executive Director. She was hired in June of 2009 after serving as a JCTA UniServ Director for nine years. DeeAnn is a product of the public school system in Carroll County and is proud of the excellent education she received. She holds a bachelor’s in law. She serves on the JCTA's Professional Negation’s committee, Sick Leave Bank Committee, and budget committee. DeeAnn also is the chief negotiator, lobbies for the General Assembly, and manages the JCTA staff. Outside of JCTA she enjoys spending time with her family as a busy mom of three kids and is a lover of all thing’s imaginative media.

Dr. Elana Crane
KEA UniServ Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-445-2788
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Elana Crane joined the JCTA staff in 2000 as UniServ Director in-between working at 5th district KEA for four years. She works with the Credentials & Elections and Membership committees as well as coordinating the PR training and incentive program. She is also the staff liaison to the Immigrant and Adopted Americans Caucus and Itinerant Caucus. Outside of JCTA Elana enjoys spending time with her two cats, traveling, and reading.




Chanda Hornback
KEA UniServ Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-592-1404
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Chanda Hornback has been a UniServ Director since 2008. After graduating from Murray State University with a Bachelor's degree in elementary education and an additional certification in middle school English and Social Studies, Chanda taught 6th grade social studies for three years in Hardin County. Chanda then spent two additional years working at the same middle school as the library media specialist after receiving her Master’s degree in library and information sciences from Texas Woman's University. Chanda designs, writes, and produces the ACTION & Weekly Roundup newsletters. She organizes/plans with the Social Affairs Committee and the Constitution Revision Committee. Chanda also works with the Librarian Caucus and is an endorsed School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) trainer. Outside of JCTA Chanda enjoys spending time with her husband, two kids and three dogs. She is involved in her church and loves listening to audio books.


Antonia Lindauer
JCTA UniServ Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-468-3692
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Antonia Lindauer has been a UniServ Director since 2013. Antonia is proud to be a product of the Jefferson County Public School system and a graduate of Centre College. Prior to joining the JCTA team, she spent six years in Kentucky state government. Antonia previously worked for Congressman John Yarmuth, specializing in education and immigration issues and policy. She also worked in intergovernmental and labor relations in the office of Mayor Jerry Abramson. In addition to her UniServ duties, Antonia serves as the political liaison for the Better Schools Kentucky (BSK). Vocational/Industrial Arts caucus, Speech-Language/Pathologists Caucus, LGBTQIA+ Caucus, Occupational and Physical Therapists Caucus. Outside of JCTA Antonia enjoys spending time with her family and friends and attending local events around Louisville.


Andrew Bailey
JCTA UniServ Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-797-2586
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Andrew Bailey completed his doctoral studies at the University of Louisville focusing on Educational Leadership and Organizational Design. He holds two master’s degrees (Instructional Technology and M. Ed.) from UofL, as well as dual bachelors from WKU (Social Studies and History). He is a lifelong educator who served 13 years in a Tile I classroom as a social studies and robotics teacher for Jefferson County Public Schools. Andrew also served as the elected JCTA Treasurer for 12 years before accepting his current role as a UniServ Director in 2019. He is the staff liaison for the following committees and caucuses: Black Teachers Caucus, Classroom Management Training Caucus, SBDM Training, Special Education Caucus, Implementation Coach Caucus, Spotlight Committee, Teaching & Learning Committee, and the Job Share/Part-time Caucus. He also coordinates JCTA Transfer Workshops, Classroom Management Training PD, and is an endorsed School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) trainer. Andrew is married to the love of his life (Melissa) and together they have three beautiful children: Brady (2017), Annabelle (2019), and Addie (2022).



Scott LeCates
UniServ Director
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 859-479-9567
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Scott LeCates arrived at JCTA from the KEA Northern KY Office and previously served as a UniServ Director for the VEA in Roanoke, Virginia. Scott is a veteran Cincinnati Public Schools teacher and former Cincinnati Federation of Teachers Executive Committee member. His credentials include an M.Ed. with Licensure in 7-12 Integrated Social Studies from Xavier University, M.A. Political Science from EKU, and an Undergraduate Degree in Government from Morehead State University. Scott has served as a registered lobbyist in Virginia and Kentucky. Scott is the staff liaison to the Early Childhood Caucus, Human and Civil Rights Committee, JCTA-Retired Committee, LatinX Caucus, Mental Health Professional (MHP) Caucus.




Jennifer Lawson
UniServ Associate & Sick Leave Bank
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-552-0649
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Jennifer Lawson has been with JCTA since 2003. She leads the JCTA Sick Leave Bank (SLB) and Administrator for the JCTA website. She is also an Administrative Assistant to UniServ Directors Elana Crane and Chanda Hornback. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Information Technology and enjoys designing publications for JCTA. Outside of JCTA, she enjoys spending time with her Australian Shepherd Tobias, certified as a psychiatrist service dog. Jennifer also loves traveling, hanging out with her family and friends, and all things Harry Potter.

If you would like to learn more about the JCTA Sick Leave Bank and how to apply for SLB days you can email Jennifer or click the link below.


JCTA Sick Leave Bank 

Jo Lynn Looney
Executive Associate & Bookkeeper
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-619-0220
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Jo Lynn Looney joined JCTA in 2013. She is the JCTA bookkeeper and Executive Assistant to DeeAnn Flaherty and Brent McKim. She wears many hats at JCTA and organizes the PR meetings, Board meetings, and LM2 reporting. She is also associate to JCTA UniServ Director Antonia Lindauer. Outside of JCTA she enjoys spending time with family/friends and lake time in the summer.

Jo Pierce
Uniserv Associate & Membership
Phone: 502-454-3400
Mobile: 502-489-1166
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Jo Pierce joined JCTA in 2019. She worked with Jefferson County Public Schools for ten years in the Adult and Continuing Education Program as well as the Family Resource Youth Service Centers. Her background in data management and communications will serve her well in the role of Uniserv Associate, BSK associate and Membership lead. Jo works with Uniserv Directors Scott LeCates and Andrew Bailey. Outside of JCTA Jo enjoys spending time with family/friends and cooking or baking in her spare time.

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Jefferson County Teachers Association

1941 Bishop lane, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40218
(502) 454-3400, Fax: (502) 452-2794

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